Fuzzy Thoughts of David

Thoughts on John Wesley, UMC, life, faith, and anything else!

  • Battle Plan

    Battle Plan

    In the last blog post, I wrote about an invisible foe pulling strings, keeping us from doing what we want, and causing us to do what we don’t want. It’s the battle between who we want to be and who we are. We know this battle well. The apostle Paul talked about it in Romans…

  • Soul Scissors

    Soul Scissors

    The alarm buzzes, awaking you from your dreamy state. Your hand instinctively reaches for the snooze. Just five more minutes, you think. In that drowsy moment, you are unaware of the invisible strings attached to your fingers, slowly guiding your hand. As you grab that first cup of coffee every morning, an invisible force is…

  • The Holy Shears 

    The Holy Shears 

    I used to believe growth was about addition until nature taught me the importance of subtraction. I don’t always notice or “listen” to nature, but when I do, I’m amazed. Life is busy, and I have to tell myself to stop. Sometimes, I even tell myself to “smell the roses.”  Scientific Faith  I believe in…

  • Salsa, Sweat, and Spirituality 

    Salsa, Sweat, and Spirituality 

    The dream of homemade salsa led me on a journey. It began with a vision: I would walk into my backyard, pick sun-ripened tomatoes, crisp peppers, flavorful onions, and some herbs, and make fresh salsa from the garden for free. No grocery store was needed—just nature’s produce.  Reality Check It was a great dream, except…

  • Future You is Waiting

    Future You is Waiting

    I was getting my car worked on, and I overheard a few workers talking as they returned from lunch. One of them, let’s call him Jim, shared something he was planning to do, another worker will say. Steve asked him. What are you going to do about your wife?  Jim responded. That’s future Jim’s problem. …

  • Soul Sweats

    Soul Sweats

    I used to work out. Used to. I don’t anymore, not really.  There’s something extremely frustrating about working out and exercising in general. We all know what it is. Just because you worked out for a few years and got into shape doesn’t mean you will stay in shape.  The phrase “use it or lose…

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